Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) are one of the most common hormonal imbalances affecting females of menstrual age, and can begin as early as in the age of 15-16 years.

More and more females are being affected from this condition because of uneven lifestyle patterns. The condition disturbs your hormones by increasing the levels of male hormones inside a female body, making your body produce excessive facial hair, and can also cause acne and hair fall. It becomes very important that apart from just a healthy diet, the adverse effects are managed too through appropriate kind of nourishment. We specialize in addressing PCOD/PCOS issues with the right dietary approach and lifestyle management.

45 Days

Rs. 5500
  • 3 Sessions
  • Complete Assessment
  • BCA ( Body composition analysis)
  • Customised diet plan

75 Days

Rs. 10000
  • 6 Sessions
  • Complete Assessment
  • BCA ( Body composition analysis)
  • Customised diet plan
  • Personalised exercise regime

110 Days

Rs. 14800
  • 9 Sessions
  • Complete Assessment
  • BCA ( Body composition analysis)
  • Customised diet plan
  • Invaluable tips on health , hair and skin.
  • Restaurant guide